The Life of the Kingdom

Quotes from The Gospel of the Kingdom by George Eldon Ladd - Chapter V
"The life which Christ came to bring us is the life of God's Kingdom."

"The Mystery of the Kingdom is this: that the Kingdom which will one day change the entire external order has entered into This Age in advance to bring the blessings of God's Kingdom to men and women without transforming the old order. The old age is going on, yet men may already enjoy the powers of The Age to Come. The kingdom of Satan still stands, but the Kingdom of God has invaded the kingdom of Satan."

"Knowledge in the Bible is far more than intellectual apprehension. Knowledge means experience. Knowledge means personal relationship. Knowledge means fellowship."

"Many problems arise because God's people do not recognize the teaching of Scripture about the incompleteness of Christian knowledge. Sometimes, people insist that there ought to be a complete conformity in all details of understanding of God and of Christian doctrine which is not warranted by the Word of God. The Scripture is clear that our knowledge is partial. It is because of the very imperfectness of our knowledge, says Paul in 1 Corinthians 13, that we must exercise the gift of love. The various ministration of the Holy Spirit in the early Church... were given to men because now we know in part (1 Cor. 13:12). They belong to our childhood, i.e., to our earthly life. When we attain perfect maturity, when we see face to face and know fully even as also we were fully known (1 Cor. 13:11-12), we shall put away childish things. We shall no longer need these aids of the Holy Spirit to help fill in our ignoance. However, when other gifts have passed away, love abides. Love is that gift of the Spirit, above all others, which will characterize our perfected fellowship in The Age to Come."

"There is no one who ever lived, apart from the Lord Jesus Himself, who can say, 'I am the truth. You must follow me!'. The inspired Apostle said, 'Now I know in part.' This puts us all in a place of humility before God."

"'Now I know in part.' This lays a demand upon us that we hold the Word of God both in humility and in charity: in humility towards God and in charity towards our brethren."

"A 'spiritual body' is not a body which consists of spirit. It is rather a body whose life, whose energy is derived from Spirit -- God's Spirit."

"The indwelling of the Spirit is the down-payment of that life which we shall one day experience in its fulness. The new birth is the beginning, partial but real, of the life of The Age to Come. This means that already we have within us the life of heaven. It means we already participate in the life that belongs to God's future Kingdom; not indeed in its fulness, but nevertheless in reality."

"Has the realization gripped you that the very life of heaven itself dwells within you here and now? Did you ever know that? I am afraid we live most of our life in terms of promise."

"This is what eternal life means. This is what it means to be saved. It means to go about every day in the present evil Age living the life of heaven."
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