The Mystery of the Kingdom

Quotes from The Gospel of the Kingdom by George Eldon Ladd - Chapter IV
"The Kingdom of God is here; but instead of destroying human sovereignty, it has attacked the sovereignty of Satan." 

"...the Kingdom of God which one day shall fill the earth is here among men but in a form which was never before expected. It is like an insignificant seed of mustard. This tiny thing is, however, God's Kingdom and is therefore not to be despised."

"The Kingdom of God is a miracle. It is the act of God. It is supernatural. Men cannot build the Kingdom, they cannot erect it. The Kingdom is the Kingdom of God; it is God's reign, God's rule. God has entrusted the Gospel of the Kingdom to men. It is our responsibility to proclaim the Good News about the Kingdom. But the actual working of the Kingdom is God's working. The fruitage is produced not by human effort or skill but by the life of the Kingdom itself. It is God's deed."

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