What I'm Listening to... So Beautiful by Leonard Sweet

Quotes from So Beautiful audiobook part 3

A Jesus fanatic is not someone who is always going to church, but someone in whom the live truth dwells.

Propositionalist want you to fall in line. Relationalist want you to fall in love

Christians aren’t people who follow Christianity. Christians are people who follow and fall in love with Christ. Yet the church spends more time trying to get people to follow Christianity than follow and fall in love with Christ.

It was the radical insight of Jesus that we were put here for more than keeping principles or keeping commandments. We were put here to glorify God and enjoy him forever. In other words, we were not put here to do the right thing but to be in a right relationship with God. We were not put here to keep commandments but to conceive beauty, truth, and goodness. We were not put here to take a stand but to walk in the light for the greater glory of God.

Biblical truth doesn’t feast on fact. It feasts on relationship and revelation which is why eternal truth is better communicated by the fictions of parables and narratives than the facts of science and philosophy.
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation