The Righteousness of the Kingdom

Quotes from The Gospel of the Kingdom by George Eldon Ladd - Chapter VI
"The rightesouness required for entrance into the future realm of God's Kingdom is the righteousness which results from God's reign in our lives."

"If conformity to the will of God is defined in terms of law, then one must know precisely when he is obeying the law and when he is breaking it. The Scribes and the Pharisees did not leave anything to private judgement or to the leading of the Holy Spirit. They wanted a definition of what was right and what was wrong in every possible situation."

"The righteousness of the Kingdom of God demands an attitude of heart which is not motivated by selfish concerns, which does not demand even one's legitimate rights."

"Love seeks the best welfare even of its enemies."

"I can manifest the life of the Kingdom only as I have experienced it."
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation