What I'm Reading... God the Father and Prayer

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 4 God the Father and Prayer by Patricia A. Outlaw
"Although the disciples asked Jesus to teach them 'how to pray,' we should not assume that they were unfamiliar with the power of prayer.... We know that praying was a daily part of Jewish practice."

"They wanted their own special prayer, which would distinguish them as followers of a new way."

"Not everyone will choose to pray to 'God the Father'.... People who have suffered the effects of traumatic life events involving their biological fathers may need to be encouraged to pray to 'the God who heals us' until such time as they are able to enter into a trusting, loving relationship with God the Father."

"Prayer is a two-way conversation. We speak to God and God listens to us. God speaks to us and we listen to Him, only if we are still long enough to hear what God has to say to us."

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