What I'm Reading... Prayer and the Kingdom of God

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 3 Prayer and the Kingdom of God by Ron Walborn
"Imagine a football team coming into a locker room at halftime leading 49-0, telling their coach the first half went so well they would not need to play the second half."

"Christians are called to finish the battle Jesus has started."

"In the past 500 years the church has been infected with a naturalistic rationalism resulting in the lie that the kingdom of God is not really here at all. It is a future realm that will only arrive when Jesus returns. As a result, the tools of the kingdom like the supernatural gifts are spoken against and even 'outlawed.' Prayer becomes a one-way communication with little expectancy of an interactive God. ...according to this theology God has decided to handcuff His church until He returns."

"Not everyone is healed, but God forbid that we should ever stop fighting and praying against sickness as a fruit of evil. Can God use sickness? Certainly, but we must never attribute this manifestation of a fallen world to a good God."

"While the winner of this great battle of the ages has been decided, the final score has yet to be determined.... Prayer is the primary weapon in this battle."

ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation