Praying vs. Being "Devoted to Prayer"

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 58 Praying vs. Being "Devoted to Prayer" by Steve Loopstra
  • Praying—fits into my schedule, at my convenience. Devoted to prayer—is a vital part of everything I do and am.
  • Praying—is something I do. Devoted to prayer—is something I am.
  • Praying—is an obligation to fulfill. Devoted to prayer—is a delightful outflow of my life with God.
"Our difficulty in understanding the ways of God adds to our confusion of what prayer is really all about."

"If we see God as a theological abstract or our Christian faith as a duty to be fulfilled and prayer as one of the many duties to fulfill, we will miss entirely the secret to being devoted to prayer."

"In any human relationship, where there is true mutual love and a deepening, growing affection, that relationship is not seen as a 'duty' but a delight. Being with that other person, spending time, hearing their voice, all are a natural outgrowth of a genuine relationship. Why should we not think of prayer in the same manner?"
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation