The Bible and Global Prayer (excellent chapter)

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 61 The Bible and Global Prayer by Henry Blackaby
"God planned that we, His children, are to reign with Him as He redeems our world (Gal 2:4-6). So... God's focus is on His people, in redeeming a lost world."

"God does not tell us to pray for the world. His instructions are very clear: 1. go into all the world; 2. preach the gospel; 3. to every person. On this command rests the prayer life of Jesus for the world! There is no question that God's heart is for the world. However, we must note carefully how He purposes to provide salvation for every person, and therefore how we should pray accordingly."

"The biblical pattern in praying for a lost world is to pray for God's people, as Jesus did."

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