Leading/Facilitating Corporate Prayer

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 47 Leading/Facilitating Corporate Prayer by Phil Miglioratti
"Today's prayer group... desperately needs a leader with the ability to facilitate an 'experiential' -- an activity during which every person has an authentic, meaningful encounter, both with the ones they pray with and the one they pray to."

"...without the engagement of those gathered with one another and the Holy Spirit, the time spent is more a human than a spiritual activity."

"...prayer leaders must realize the difference between their role in leading and how to operate when facilitating."

"Facilitators... perceive themselves as an assistant to the Holy Facilitator, seeking the mind of Christ then guiding, even redirecting, the praying in that direction."

"Nothing is more boring (possibly to God as well as those praying) than simply rehearsing a list of names or needs without the discipline of seeking to pray out God's heart for the situation."
Read the entire chapter at www.nppn.org (Article #067).
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