The Problem of Prayerlessness

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 35 The Problem of Prayerlessness by MaryKate Morse

"Prayerlessness can be a signal that it is time to begin an authentic adventure. And the journey begins with first naming one's reality: Prayer is dry and empty for me."

"For Westerners one of our greatest failures as Christ followers is a lack of attentiveness to the vine. Our busy lives consume our energies, creativity, and time so there is little space to be with God. We make the mistake of equating God's will with kingdom accomplishments rather than quiet attentiveness."

"We are used to being entertained, getting instant feedback, and having our needs immediately met, so we forget how ordinary a dry well is in our faith journey."

"The dry well can be the desert before the Promised Land, the cross before the open cave, the crossroads to a new well."
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation