How to Pray without Ceasing

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 38 How to Pray without Ceasing by Cornell Haan
"The only way to pray without ceasing is to understand prayer as an on-going two-way conversation that doesn't start with 'Dear' and end with "Amen.'"

"I found I could talk to my friends by the hour, but I had a hard time praying 'Dear' and 'Amen' prayers for ten minutes. Then I learned that prayer listening is as common as prayer itself. It is not some special gift, it is your everyday communication with the King of Kings."

"Remaining silent before God does not mean that you will have no thoughts or reflections. It does mean you will stop telling God your needs, and say with Samuel, 'Speak Lord, for Your servant hears' (1 Sam. 3:9)"

"The more we understand the Scriptures the more likely it is that God will speak to us. The Bible is the message of God to mankind. Why should its author speak to you if you have not read His main message?"

"Prayer without ceasing is not meditation, special revelation, or receiving a prophetic word of knowledge. It is one's normal communication with the Father."
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation