Hindrances to Effective Prayer

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 37 Hindrances to Effective Prayer by Sammy Tippit
"Effective praying presumes that a deep and meaningful relationship exists between the two parties. Anything that hinders the intimacy of that relationship becomes a hindrance to the effectiveness of prayer."

"James 4:6 says, 'God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." ... It denotes that God has set Himself in military opposition to those who are proud in heart."

"Pride compares us to others. Humility compares our lives to Jesus."

"True prayer draws our attention to the nature and character of God. We become like Him as we recognize His attributes. When we emerge from the inner chamber of prayer we will love with a revolutionary love -- the love of the Father."

"Effective prayer discovers the will of God and passionately pursues it. Anything that would direct us away from His plans and maneuver us in the direction of our own ways will hinder our intimacy with God."

"We have become 'professional' ministers and learned well how to produce 'quality' programs. But we've forgotten the secret chamber of prayer."
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