Abiding Prayer

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 40 Abiding Prayer by Tony Twist
"Abiding prayer is a journey together."

"Even when dust from the Emmaus path on our exhausted feet, we can welcome His good blessing. In His grace, He will resurrect our lives. The weary trudge then becomes a majestic march toward community. This is Abiding Prayer. Passive? At times. Active? At times. Relational? Always!"

"Both in scripture and the history of Christian spirituality, we find that many others throughout the ages have blazed trails for us to follow. And their experiences give us helpful perspective. Not formulas. But, perspective."

"One amazing fact we learn from the spiritual lives of men and women through the ages is that none experience our Father in exactly the same way."

"There can be no 'one size fits all' formula for spiritual fitness."

"The Christian believers who self-destruct along the way are often not committed to such a growing, dynamic relationship with Him. They either want to cling to past experiences, imitate the relationship of others, or slide down the undemanding path of non-growth."

"Abiding in relationship is all about relationship."

"Knowing where we came from and where we're headed makes all the difference when we are in life's wilderness. The desert becomes a place of instruction rather than destruction. A place where, as we draw life from Him, we grow up. Listening deeper. Feeling healthier. Thinking clearer. Doing better. Loving more."

"Through abiding we are being re-created."
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation