What I'm Reading... How to Hear from God in Prayer

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 32 How to Hear from God in Prayer by Calvin A. Blom
"That God speaks and reveals is inextricable [sic] intertwined with the nature and essence of God."

"...there is nothing done on the human side to 'make' God talk to us. God initiates all God/human communication. God is neither a reluctant revealer, nor an unclear communicator. But, as with all communication where humans are involved, perfect clarity by the one speaking does not mean that the hearers always hear and understand clearly."

"Because of human limitation we must always be humble in attitude when declaring how we have 'heard' God. This reality ought not frighten us away from seeking to hear the Lord, but we must consciously live in the reality of our limitations."
"The heart is opened to hear from God when the heart is opened to God."
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation