What I'm Reading... Prayer and the Accompaniment of Angels (Fascinating chapter!)

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 9 Prayer and the Accompaniment of Angels by Rev David A. Shive

"That the angels gain insight from the Church is seen in Eph. 3:10: 'the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the Church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places.'"

"While we have biblical evidence as to God's utilization of angels on our behalf, the narrative of Daniel 10 goes further to divulge that angels are employed by God to deliver answers to prayer (10:10-12). To accomplish their mission, these messengers must overcome hindrances posed by Satan and his minions (i.e., fallen angels; 10:13). This is the essence of spiritual warfare..."

"Prayer is the instrument that God has selected to empower His church to participate in the execution of His mission. As his people approach Him with requests for the needed resources for the campaign, angels are dispatched to deliver His responses (i.e. resources for the battle). Simultaneously, fallen angels stand in God's presence (Job 1:6; 2:1; 1 K. 22:19-22), looking for opportunity to obstruct those responses."

"...we must consider the implications of our conduct in relation to answered prayer, for the ones who deliver the answers to our prayers are among us, are watching us, and are helped or hindered in their mission by our conduct."
ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation