What I'm Reading... Prayer and God's Response

Giving Ourselves to Prayer by Dan R. Crawford, Compiler
quotes from Chapter 11 Prayer and God's Response by Steve Hawthorne
"In all the books of the Bible, in the original languages anyway, you will never find one time which specifically says that God answers prayer. What you will find are hundreds of times that God responds to people who pray."

"The wonder is not that prayers get answered. What's amazing is that people are heard."

"in the comedy film Bruce Almighty... we are left with the idea that God processes requests like emails or text messages.... Prayer is reduced to a procedure designed to bring about results."

"Somehow God really does preside over all things, leading and intervening something like a king from his court. We have wrongly regarded heaven as just so much eternal reward, merely some puffy clouds and mansions for our bliss."

"Prayer is His way of getting us to work with Him. He never intended us to think of prayer as a problem-solving, goodie-getting procedure. He has always been summoning people to work as His accomplices in His court."

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