What I'm Reading...The Nature of Nurture by Ira J. Chasnoff, M.D.

"Now, 80% of children reported to child protection services across the nation have been removed from their homes because of drug and alcohol problems in the family. At the same time, more than half of the mothers placing their babies for adoption through private adoption agencies have used alcohol or illegal drugs during the pregnancy." (Foreward, p. xi)

"The behavioral difficulties of children with FAS [Fetal Alcohol Syndrome] and ARND [Alcohol-Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder] can best be understood as a deficit in processing information: recording information, interpreting the information, storing the information for later use, and utilizing the information through appropriate language and motor skills." (p. 16)

"Research... is documenting that tobacco smoking by the pregnant woman is related to poor language development and cognitive functioning in the three and four-year-old child." (p. 34)
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